ADDRESS Thrift Store 3581 Emerson & Spring Park Rd. Jacksonville, FL 32207 Estate Sale 4195 Beach Blvd.Rear Unit - Next to Bono’s Jacksonville, FL 32207
CONTACT e: f: 904.398.4882 MAILING ADDRESS PO Box 47527 Jacksonville, FL 32247-7527
AngelAID 1990 - 2022 - Created & Maintained by Arlene Shipley - Made with Xara

The Team

Our Board of Directors

Carol Queen

Customer Service / Cashier

Customers who shop with us know Carol (Wife of Von). Carol has been with us over 18 years and many more to come. When not on the register she is pricing clothing to make sure it gets out on the floor to meet our goals. Carol also assists at the children’s Christmas party.

Kristen Rios

Estate Customer Svc/Donations

Kristen has been a fixture at AngelAID for many years. When she is not working at the Thrift Store merchandising she is helping Dr. Carl set up the estate sale which takes around 4 weeks. She meets and greets customers during the Estate Sale and keeps everyone happy. Kristen is studying to become a registered nurse.

Sylvia Almond

Customer Service

Sylvia spends her morning assisting customers and checking customers our at the registers. Sylvia brings a bright light to our customers and making sure they are pleased with our items.

Amy Stanley

Chief Assitant to President

Amy is responsible for the operations of the Thrift Store. Amy comes with a wide background. Amy is here to assist you with any questions that you might have. Ms. Stanley reports directly to Dr. Shipley allowing her to better serve our customers.

Usha Beocharran

Asst. Mgr. / Customer Service

You will always find Usha on the floor assisting customers and making sure that the store is stocked full. Hundreds of new items are put out daily. When you visit our store and you can’t find something, Usha will know exactly where to find it.


Public Relations / Smile Maker

Angi is Dr. Shipley’s service dog and where ever you see Dr. Carl you will find Angi not too far away. When you see Angi, the hugh great dane – Scobby Doo – you have just have to smile at this beautiful goofy dog that just loves everyone. She’s the best medicine to get you out of the uncomfortable mood.

Heavenly Father

Founder / CEO

When the Shipley’s founded AngelAID their goal was to be self supporting without government funding. We also keep GOD in our forefront and allow him to give us the necessary direction we need.

Carl & Arlene Shipley

Co-Founders / Board Mbrs.

The Shipley’s are blessed to be able to still be in the forefront and assure the continued operations of all of its divisions. The Thrift Store is responsible to handle all of our operational costs. We are all thankful for our staff and customers who continue to support us, One Angel at a Time!

Jerry Jarrell

V. President / Board Member

We are so proud to have an experienced business man and life time resisdent of Jacksonville. Jerry comes with detailed business background which is priceless and is always advising the Shipley’s of things in the business that needs to be addressed.

The Team

Our Faithful Volunteers

The Team

Our Amazing Managers

Von Queen

Estate Distribution / Safety

Von has been with AngelAID over 18 years and still counting. Von participates with all estate pick ups, works on product/donations that are received and you always find him handling security and parking at our Estate Sales. His personality is contigious and spreads cheer and happiness to all.

Janeth Ponce

Donations/Estate Distribution

Janeth spends her time in the back room working all of the estate donations, cleaning and assuring the quality is there for you. It is time consuming position and loves her work. She spends time off site packing estate house donations and unpacks them once it reaches our store. Janeth also spends countless hours setting up the estate sales.

Paul Keehn

Estate Distribution/Customer Svc

Paul is one of the nicest guys you would want to meet. Paul handles the transportation to and from the large estate pick ups and assist in packing and loading of the whole house merchandise. You will meet Paul during the estate sales, his smile and kindness, he is there to assist you and will even help you load your purchases.

Harlan Dittman

Estate Customer Svc/Donations

Harlan is always working behind the scenes working incoming donations at the Thrift Store. He makes sure that everything works, clean and ready to be priced and go out on the floor. During the Estate Sale you find Harlan in the Jewelry Section assisting our customers with our beautiful jewelry selection.

Carolyn Gibson

Customer Service / Cashier

Carolyn has been associated with our thrift store for over 11 years. Carolyn works on the register and when free, she is spending time on clothing and linen. Carolyn is a valuable assest. Carolyn participates in the Children’s Christmas Party as Mrs. Santa and dances with Santa.
Carmen spends most of her time putting out clothes in there proper spot. She makes sure that all of the clothing is straighten up and organized. She also keeps the merchandise in its proper place.
Picture coming

Carl & Arlene Shipley

Co-Founders / Board Mbrs.

The Shipley’s are blessed to be able to still be in the forefront and assure the continued operations of all of its divisions. The Thrift Store is responsible to handle all of our operational costs. We are all thankful for our staff and customers who continue to support us, One Angel at a Time!

The Team

Our Board of Directors

Heavenly Father


Pariatur velit sit magna dolore eu officia deserunt eu minim irure aute voluptate, adipisicing fugiat voluptate. Deserunt labore aliqua tempor id aliqua, officia fugiat ut minim nostrud non deserunt:

Carl & Arlene Shipley


Sit, fugiat voluptate nostrud dolore. Fugiat cupidatat excepteur lorem, in, eu sunt commodo ut consequat, consectetur dolore.

Jerry Jarrell

V.P/Board Member

Mollit lorem veniam in minim est eiusmod id est voluptate adipisicing magna anim voluptate in excepteur. Aliqua dolore aliqua laboris.

The Team

Our Amazing Managers


Public Relations/Smile Maker

Officia, est sunt, labore deserunt nulla dolor irure do, eu incididunt dolore eiusmod voluptate pariatur duis aute. In, in dolore eiusmod mollit quis magna.

Amy Stanley

General Manager

Esse minim in enim et eiusmod cillum ad, ut anim nostrud. Aute dolor nisi ut voluptate nulla velit nostrud do eu veniam quis occaecat non. Et officia ut

Usha Beocharron

Asst. Mgr./Customer Service

cia, est sunt, labore deserunt nulla dolor irure do, eu incididunt dolore eiusmod voluptate pariatur duis aute. In, in dolore eiusmod mollit quis magna.

The Team

Our Faithful Volunteers

Carole Queen

Customer Service

Sit, fugiat voluptate nostrud dolore. Fugiat cupidatat excepteur lorem, in, eu sunt commodo ut consequat, consectetur dolore.

Von Queen


Pariatur velit sit magna dolore eu officia deserunt eu minim irure aute voluptate, adipisicing fugiat voluptate. Deserunt labore aliqua tempor id aliqua, officia fugiat ut

Carolyn Gibson

Customer Service

Mollit lorem veniam in minim est eiusmod id est voluptate adipisicing magna anim voluptate in excepteur. Aliqua dolore aliqua laboris.

Kristen Rios

Estate Customer Svc/Donations

Esse minim in enim et eiusmod cillum ad, ut anim nostrud. Aute dolor nisi ut voluptate nulla velit nostrud do eu veniam quis occaecat non. Et officia ut occaecat sed laboris eu non. Occaecat mollit, duis ex mollit .

Paul Keehn

Estate Distribution/Customer Svc

Officia, est sunt, labore deserunt nulla dolor irure do, eu incididunt dolore eiusmod voluptate pariatur duis aute. In, in dolore eiusmod mollit quis magna.

Harlan Dittman

Estate Customer Svc/Donations

Velit reprehenderit nulla fugiat enim anim in occaecat sit. Lorem sed ut duis dolore cillum, qui, ullamco eu dolore minim sunt ullamco sint? Commodo, ut commodo, ea commodo culpa velit.

Sylvia Almond

Customer Service

Sylvia spends her morning assisting customers and checking customers our at the registers. Sylvia brings a bright light to our customers and making sure they are pleased with our items.

Janeth Ponce

Donations/Estate Distribution

Janeth spends her time in the back room working all of the estate donations, cleaning and assuring the quality is there for you. It is time consuming position and loves her work. She spends time off site packing estate house donations and unpacks them once it reaches our store. Janeth also spends countless hours setting up the estate sales.

Carmen Noriega

Customer Svc/Merchandising

Carmen spends most of her time putting out clothes in there proper spot. She makes sure that all of the clothing is straighten up and organized. She also keeps the merchandise in its proper place.
Picture Coming
ADDRESS Thrift Store 3581 Emerson& Spring Park Rd. Jacksonville, FL 32207 Estate Sale 4195 Beach Blvd.Rear Next to Bono’s Jacksonville, FL 32207
AngelAID 1990 - 2022 - Created & Maintained by Arlene Shipley
CONTACT e: f: 904.398.4882 MAILING ADDRESS PO Box 47527 Jacksonville, FL 32247-7527